Thursday, September 29, 2016

Readers Needed

Mrs. Heather Lamb, the Teacher-Librarian at AV Cato, and I are looking to partner CHS and AV Cato classes as Book Buddies. The logistics have yet to be worked out as we're waiting to get teachers' input; however, we envision alternating read-aloud sessions via Google Hangout between classes or students on a weekly or bi-weekly rotation. This can be any grade level or subject area as reading and relationship are life-long skills that affect us all. If you're interested in your classes participating, please let me know!

Take a Chance on Banned!

Across the country this week, librarians, book sellers, and authors are celebrating Banned Books Week, a week carved out this time of year to spread awareness about the freedom we have as Americans to read whatever we deem appropriate for us to read. As basic as this seems to us, BBW reminds us that not all people around the world enjoy this freedom. Additionally, drawing attention to frequently challenged books in our schools and libraries across the country reminds us that censorship from one means restriction for all.
This month, we will be featuring books such as To Kill a MockingbirdThe Fault in Our Starsand many books from today's most popular authors that have appeared on the ALA's Most Frequently Challenged list. We are asking CHS students and faculty to "take a chance on BANNED" by selecting a wrapped book from our display and reading it to determine why the book was challenged and if they agree with the decision. Students are tweeting their ideas to #CHSCubed. The Cube Prize Patrol is lurking the hashtag for particularly well-structured responses.
For information regarding Castleberry ISD's book collection policy, please click here.